Welcome to Life Lines the monthly newsletter for our members, and also to anyone reading this that has not yet become a member of the U.S. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association. For those of you reading and have yet to join, please consider doing so. Your membership will get you access to the station inventory link and our new venture to create a “Surfmans’ Data Base.” If you would like to join please click here.
This issue will focus on the annual meeting which will be on the Outer Banks of North Carolina from October 11 -13, 2018. A mailing will be sent out to members soon, but also wanted to alert readers who are not members.
The Annual Conference reservation system is now online at the website. Please check out the itinerary, there are a number of stations that we will see as a group during the conference. I believe my last count was 9 during the conference dates October 11-13, 2018. The current USCG station at Oregon Inlet will also be providing our group with a tour of their station as well. The planning committee has contacted federal, state, local non-profits, businesses, and private owners who have all graciously invited our group to stop by for a tour, or just stop and take photos and come by later to shop or have dinner in their businesses.
Please take a close look at the Pre-Conference and the Post-Conference opportunity to visit and tour 3 additional stations that are difficult to get to. The committee has made arrangements to make these stations available, and also open to tour the inside. If you have time and would like to see the Wash Woods Station on October 10, and the Portsmouth and Cape Lookout Stations, October 14 – 16, please send a message to [email protected] so that plans can be finalized for those additional trips as well.
These three stations are either private on a 4 wheel track road (no private vehicles), or require ferry rides with beach transport and NPS Tour Guides to enter the structures. All three site managers have been contacted and there is interest to assist us and providing access with tour guides at each of these sites.
Please send an email by June 30 if you think you would like to extend your trip to include these Pre- and Post- Conference stations during your time in North Carolina. More specifics will be provided when you indicate your interest to participate in either the Pre- or Post- Conference side trips.
Nags Head, North Carolina Annual Conference
Additional Information
The Annual Conference of the United States U.S. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association will be held in Nags Head, North Carolina from Thursday, October 11 through Saturday, October 13, 2018. The cost for the full conference is $190 including the annual dinner, and daily rates are $75 for each day plus add $50 if you want to attend the annual dinner. The annual dinner will be held at the Black Pelican Restaurant which is the former 1874 Kitty Hawk Life-Saving Station.
October 2018 Annual Conference Itinerary
Nags Head, North Carolina
Wednesday, October 10
OPTIONAL Pre Conference Trip: Noon to 2 p.m.: Open House at Wash Woods Station—USCG 1917. Meet at predetermined site (TBD) to be shuttled to the site by Twiddy and Company. Indicate interest on form for this pre-trip. Shuttle will leave at noon and space is limited. No charge.
4 to 6 pm. Board of Directors’ Meeting, Comfort Inn, Nags Head
Thursday, October 11th, 2018
8:30 am: Registration and Presentations at the Comfort Inn, Neptune Room, Nags Head
James Charlet – “Outer Banks Maritime History and the USLSS”
Donna Weathers – “A Day in the Life of a Surfman on the Outer Banks”
Danny Couch – “Overview of the Outer Banks USLSS Families and Shipwrecks”
Noon: Box lunch provided
1:00 pm: Board Bus for afternoon tours
Tour of Wright Brothers National Memorial with presentation
Private tour of Kitty Hawk LSS #7 by owner JoAnn Mantz
Stop at Sanderling Resort to see Caffey’s Inlet LSS #5
Private tour of Kill Devil Hills LSS #13 by Doug Twiddy of Twiddy and Company
6:00 pm: Return to Hotel. Dinner on your own
Friday, October 12th, 2018
8:15 am: Board Bus at Comfort Inn for the days tours
NPS Tour of Bodie Inlet Station
USCG Tour of modern Oregon Inlet Station
Private Tour of Historic Oregon Inlet Station
Private Tour of Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station with Breeches Buoy Demonstration
Noon: Box lunch provided
Site tour Midgett House and Gravesite
Site tour Pea Island Station built in 1931
NPS tour Tour Little Kinnakeet Life-Saving Station
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Tour
6:00 pm: Return to Hotel. Dinner on your own
Saturday, October 13th, 2018
9:00 am: USLSSHA Annual Business Meeting at Comfort Inn, Neptune Room
10:00 am: Carpool to Manteo for the day’s tours and presentations
Outer Banks History Center Tour
Noon: Box lunch provided
1:00 pm: “Freedmen, Surfmen, Heroes” Live presentation, North Carolina Aquarium
James Melvin’s Paintings, Station Pea Island, led by artist, autograph opportunity
Capt. Richard Etheridge Family Gravesite tour
Pea Island Station Descendants Storytelling
Pea Island Cookhouse Museum, Collins Park
5:00 pm: Return to Hotel
6:30 – 9:00pm: Social time, dinner and auction at Black Pelican restaurant in the Kitty Hawk Station 1874
October 14 – 16, 2018: OPTIONAL Post Conference Trip. Post Conference Tour for those wanting to spend a few extra days. Indicate your interest on the form and you will be contacted separately with further details.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Make your way to Ocracoke Island and take ferry to Portsmouth Village. Tour the Portsmouth Life-Saving Station and village. Return by ferry to Ocracoke. Make own reservations and stay in Ocracoke.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Ferry from Ocracoke to Cedar Island, and make way to Harker’s Island to visit the Cape Lookout NPS Visitor Center. Continue to Morehead City. Make own reservations in Moorehead City.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Ferry to Cape Lookout. Beach Shuttle to Cape Lookout Station with NPS led tour of the interior and exterior of the structures. Beach Shuttle back to the Cape Lookout Lighthouse for tour, then ferry boat back to Moorehead City. Stay another night in Moorehead City or begin journey home. Please email: [email protected] by June 30, 2018 if you plan to attend the post conference trip.
Fifteen rooms are being held for the conference at the Comfort Inn South Oceanfront Hotel, Nags Head, NC. Five rooms are being held for each of the following 3 prices: 2 double beds, ocean side $159.00/night; 2 double beds, sound side $109.00/night; king bed, ocean side $159.00/night. Add tax for all rooms. Reservations must be made by September 10, 2018. Call the front desk, 252-441-6315, and say you are attending the meeting of the US Life-Saving Service Heritage Association. BOOK NOW! Half of the rooms have already been reserved!!
Register online: www.uslife-savingservice.org
If you have a story to submit for the next Life Lines please contact us through our website. https://uslife-savingservice.org/contact/
Also consider joining the Life Lines staff. We are now four and more are welcome to join us. If you wanted to have a role or contribute to the organization this is your opportunity to do so.