Barnegat Station House
Private - Not open to the public
Currently used as a(n) Vacant
The Barnegat Station House was built in 1938 (at 2nd site)
This Roosevelt Station House was designed by U.S. Coast Guard (P.H.P. & D.K.R)
Station closed in 1972 at this site and moved to a new location. Station house survives and is being restored by the Borough of Barnegat Light for use as its town hall.
Station house was restored by the Borough of Barnegat Light, NJ as a town hall.
4 East 7th Street
Barnegat Light NJ 08006
Owner Information
Borough of Barnegat Light, NJ
10 East 7th Street
P.O. Box 576
Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
(609) 494-9196
If you have questions, please contact:
Gail Wetmore
Administrator/Municipal Clerk