Cross Island Station House

Open to the public

Currently used as a(n) Lodging

The Cross Island Station House was built in 1929 (at 2nd site)

This Chatham 1 Station House was designed by Victor Mindeleff


This station building's condition is Fair


This station building has been Unaltered


This station building is not endangered or threatened

Station closed in 1964 at this site and turned over to GSA. Station house survives and used as lodging for an Outward Bound School program.

Station house is used as lodging for the Hurricane Island Outward Bound Program


Open to the public  - By Appointment

Cross Island
Cutler ME 04626

Owner Information

Hurricane Island Outward Bound School
75 Mechanic Street

Rockland, ME 04841

(207) 594-5548

If you have questions, please contact:

John McBride
Director of Fleet and Facility
