Pamet River Station House

Open to the public

Currently used as a(n) Lodging

The Pamet River Station House was built in 1929? (at 2nd site)

This Chatham 2 (Forge River) Station House was designed by U.S. Coast Guard (R.A.R., S.J.L.M., & R.C.)


This station building's condition is Good


This station building has been Unaltered


This station building is not endangered or threatened

Station closed in 1938 at this site and property transferred to the National Park Service as part of Cape Cod National Seashore. Station house survives and is owned by the Park Service. It’s Hostelling International USA as a hostel.

Station house is operated during the summer as a youth hostel by the Eastern New England Council of American Youth Hostels, Inc. and is used by the Park Service for educational programs during other times of the year.


Open to the public  - By Reservation

111 North Pamet Road
Truro MA 02666

(508) 349-3889

Owner Information

National Park Service, Cape Cod National Seashore
99 Marconi Station Site Road

Wellfleet, MA 02667

(508) 349-3785

If you have questions, please contact:

Bill Burke
Cultural Resources Program Manager
