Santa Rosa Station House
Open to the public
Currently used as a(n) None
The Santa Rosa Station House was built in 1907 (at 2nd site)
This Quonochontaug Station House was designed by George R. Tolman
Station closed in 1979 at this site and was replaced by Station Pensacola. Station house survives and is a ranger station and campground registration office for Fort Pickens Campground at Gulf Islands National Seashore.
Station house was modified in 1937, and between 1993 and 1995 the interior was rehabilitated. Station house was damaged during Hurricane Ivan on September 16, 2004 and has been closed since then. Plans are to reopen it in 2009 as a Ranger Station/Campground Registration for Fort Pickens Campground.
Open to the public - Check with site for hours of operation
1400 Fort Pickens Road Building 32
Santa Rosa Island FL 32561
(904) 934-2621
Owner Information
National Park Service, Gulf Islands National Seashore
1801 Gulf Breeze Parkway
Gulf Breeze, FL 32561
(850) 934-2600
If you have questions, please contact:
David P. Ogden
Park Ranger/Historian