St. Clair Flats Station House

Private - Not open to the public

Currently used as a(n) Private Residence

The St. Clair Flats Station House was built in 1935

This Lighthouse Keeper?s Quarters Lighthouse Keeper?s Quarters was designed by U.S. Lighthouse Service


This station building's condition is Being Restored


This station building has been Unaltered


This station building is not endangered or threatened

Station closed in 1991 and replaced by Station St. Clair Shores. Station house survives and is privately owned.

Station house was originally built as the keeper?s quarters for the St. Clair Flats Harsens Island Range Light. Being restored by current owner.


8849 South Channel Drive
Harsens Island MI 48028

Owner Information

Jeff Shook
10557 Jayne Valley Lane

Fenton, MI 48430

(810) 750-9870

[email protected]
