Vallejo (Carquinez) Station House

May or may not be open to the public

Currently used as a(n) Unknown

The Vallejo (Carquinez) Station House was built in 1995 or 1996 (at 2nd site)

This Unclassified Station House was designed by U.S. Coast Guard


This station building's condition is Unknown


This building was Unknown

Station closed in 2002 at this site and moved to a new location. Fate of station house unknown.

Station house is located on the grounds of the California Maritime Academy. Station's address was 300 Maritime Academy Drive, Vallejo, CA 94590-0644.


Vallejo CA

Owner Information

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Divisions of Parks and Recreation
200 Maritime Academy Drive

Vallejo, CA 94590

(707) 654-1000

If you have questions, please contact:

Doug Webster
Director of Public Relations
