Avalon Station Site

Avalon, NJ

Also known as Avalon

The Avalon Station Site site was established in 1894


This is not an active site. It was active 1894-1937 (Listed as inactive 1938-1941)


This site was closed (in) 1937


This is the original site location


Designation number: 131

Station closed in 1937, and abandoned in 1948. 1894 station house survives but has been moved off site.

Station Site Notes:

1878 repaired; 1895 new station built to replace old one, which was built many years ago and had become inadequate (USLSS Annual Reports). After occupying the site for several years it was found that higher ground would have to be acquired. A site was acquired in 1893 and the old site abandoned in 1894; abandoned in 1948 (USCG Historian's Website).

Buildings at this Station Site

The None at this site. 1894 station house (moved to a new site in Avalon) is surviving at this site

View Buildings at this Station Site