Brant Rock Station Site
Marshfield, MA
Also known as Brant Rock
The Brant Rock Station Site site was established in 1892
Station closed in 1946 and turned over to GSA in 1953. Sold to Town of Marshfield in 1963 and demolished in 1965? Site a public park. No station buildings survive at this site.
Station Site Notes:
1892 being constructed; 1893 established and put into operation; 1919 station extensively repaired; 1921 building repaired and remodeled, heat and water system installed (USLSS Annual Reports). First keeper appointed 1/3/1893; Turned over to GSA 1953; sold to Town of Marshfield, Plymouth County in 1963 for use as public park and recreation purposes (USCG Historian's Website).
Buildings at this Station Site
There are no surviving station houses at this site.