Little Island Station Site

Virginia Beach, VA

Also known as Little Island

The Little Island Station Site site was established in 1878


This is not an active site. It was active 1878-1964


This site was closed (in) 1964


This is the original site location


Designation number: 164

Station closed on March 4, 1964 and turned over GSA. 1878 station house does not survive. 1924 station house survives. It is owned by the city of Virginia Beach and is used as offices for Little Island Park.

Station Site Notes:

1878 will soon be in operation (1882/83?); 1885 additions and repairs (USLSS Annual Reports). Turned over to GSA in 1964 (USCG Historian's Website).

Buildings at this Station Site

The 1924 station house is surviving at this site

View Buildings at this Station Site