Lone Hill Station Site

Brookhaven, NY

Also known as Lone Hill

The Lone Hill Station Site site was established in 1855


This is not an active site. It was active 1855-1936 (Listed as inactive 1937-1941)


This site was closed (in) 1936


This is the original site location


Designation number: 81

Station closed in 1936 and abandoned in 1946. The station’s boathouse, barn and oil house were purchased in 1947 and moved to the Carrington Tract, just west of Fire Island Pines. 1935? station house was the Fire Island Pines Property Owners Association’s Community Center. It was torn down in 2006 and replaced by Whyte Hall, a new performing arts center.

Station Site Notes:

1878 repaired; 1886 contracts entered for repairs and enlargements; 1887 repairs made to boathouse. Listed as inactive 19371941 (USLSS Annual Reports); in 1938, the station was first listed as an inactive station and remained so until World War II. A hurricane which swept the Atlantic coast in September of 1938 demolished the boathouse. The site was abandoned in 1946 and was purchased by the Home Guardian Company of New York, the developer of Fire Island Pines (USCG Historian's Website). Placed in inactive status on June 9, 1937 (Fire Island National Seashore Historic Resource Study).

Buildings at this Station Site

There are no surviving station houses at this site.

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