Paul Gamiels Hill Station Site

Southern Shores, NC

Also known as Paul Gamiels Hill

The Paul Gamiels Hill Station Site site was established in 1878


This is not an active site. It was active 1878-1937 (Listed as inactive 1938)


This site was closed (in) 1937


This is the original site location


Designation number: 171

Station closed in 1937 and abandoned in 1949. 1878 station house was privately owned but it destroyed by fire in the early 1960s.

Station Site Notes:

1878 will soon be in operation (1882/1883?); 1885 additions and repairs; 1911 receiving extensive repairs and improvements (USLSS Annual Reports). Abandoned in 1949; it was determined in 1909 that a new site for the relocation of this station should be acquired because of the damage caused by the sea (USCG Historian's Website).

Buildings at this Station Site

There are no surviving station houses at this site.

View Buildings at this Station Site