Spring Lake Station Site

Wall Township, NJ

Also known as Wreck Pond (Pre 1872-1882); Spring Lake (1883-1938)

The Spring Lake Station Site site was established in 1891 (at this site, 1848 at original site)


This is not an active site. It was active 1891-1920 and 1925-1933 (Listed as an auxiliary station to Shark River LSS 1918-1920, and as inactive 1921-1924 and 1934-1938)


This site was closed (in) 1933


This site was moved in NA. Active from 1848 to 1891 at original site. (See Station ID # 129.1)


Designation number: 104

Station closed in 1933 at this site. 1895 station house survives at this site and is privately owned.

Station Site Notes:

1878 repaired; 1878 to open July 1878; 1879 completed; 1895 new station built to replace old one, which was built many years ago and had become inadequate; 1917 station discontinued, to become auxiliary to one or the other active adjacent stations (USLSS Annual Reports). A new site was acquired in 1891 "two and one?half miles south of Shark River." Station was discontinued in 1917 and was listed as an auxiliary station to the Manasquan station with an enlisted man in charge; in 1922 it was discontinued as an active unit until 1925, when the station again appeared as a full station (USCG Historian's Website).

Buildings at this Station Site

The 1895 station house is surviving at this site

View Buildings at this Station Site