Zachs Inlet Station Site

Hempstead, NY

Also known as Zachs Inlet

The Zachs Inlet Station Site site was established in 1856


This is not an active site. It was active 1856-1933


This site was closed (in) 1934


This is the original site location


Designation number: 87

Station closed in 1933 and abandoned in 1935 in conjunction with the establishment of Jones Beach State Park. No station buildings survive at this site.

Station Site Notes:

1872; 1878 repaired; 1886 contracts entered for repairs and enlargements; 1888 extensive repairs and enlargements made (USLSS Annual Reports). In 1934, the station disappeared from the records, having been abandoned in conjunction with a New York Park Commission project (USCG Historian's Website).

Buildings at this Station Site

There are no surviving station houses at this site.

View Buildings at this Station Site