Oregon Inlet Station House
Private - Not open to the public
Currently used as a(n) Unknown
The Oregon Inlet Station House was built in 1898 (at 1st site)
This Quonochontaug Station House was designed by George R. Tolman
Station closed in 1988 at this site and moved to a new location. Station house was restored in the mid 2000s and is owned by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Original roof lookout tower was replaced by a Duluth Type tower probably in the early 1900s. A large addition was added for crews quarters ca. 1960s? Station house was restored in the mid 2000s by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Rodanthe NC 27968
Owner Information
Manager Information
North Carolina Aquariums
3125 Poplarwood Court
Suite 160
Raleigh, NC 27604
(800) 832-3474