Lewes Station House

May or may not be open to the public

Currently used as a(n) Office

The Lewes Station House was built in 1938

This Roosevelt Station House was designed by U.S. Coast Guard (P.H.P. & D.K.R)


This station building's condition is Excellent


This station building has been Unaltered


This station building is not endangered or threatened

Station closed in 1968 and turned over to GSA in 1969. Station house survives and is the headquarters for the Pilots’ Association for the Bay and River Delaware.

Station house is used as the headquarters for the Pilots' Association for the Bay and River Delaware.


41 Cape Henlopen Drive
Lewes DE 19958

(302) 645-2229

Owner Information

The Pilots' Association for the Bay and River Delaware
41 Cape Henlopen Drive

Lewes, DE 19958

(302) 645-2229

[email protected]
